
Still getting the error in google chrome where when the chat is opened it scrolls to the top of the conversation i.e. the oldest conversation. Happens on and off.

Anyway, (laptop version)real thing I am suggesting is a function to scan to the right or left for photos within a group chat. Currently the photo opens to a new window independent of the chat, and this is a cumbersome process to manage when it has to be done alot.

Also if possible on the mobile version there are still times where chat members send a number of photos of there erg scores (no Concept 2 integration yet ;) )but only their photo icon shows up, not their name. So if they dont have a profile pic uploaded I cant tell who it is without loging into laptop version. This was fixed when they send a message, the name always comes up in that case. Thanks


Pending Review


Feature Request


20 days ago


An Anonymous User

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